Coronary Heart Disease - Symptoms Causes and Treatment

Coronary Heart Disease - Symptoms Causes and Treatment

Heart Disease or Coronary Heart Disease is one of the most common diseases in the body. This disease is caused when blockage arises in the coronary tubes supplying blood to the heart. For the next 20 to 40 years, starting from the age of 18-20 years, there is a blockage due to the presence of fat in these tubules. This does not happen in children because extra fat is used in the development of their body, but when the growth stops after the age of 18, then the fat present in the blood keeps depositing inside the coronary tubes called LAD, RCA and LCX and the blockage is generated.

By the way, surprisingly, blockage does not cause any harm to the heart until these ducts become blocked more than 70%. This is the reason that the heart becomes deficient in blood. However, for Heart to work smoothly according to its speed, only 10% - 30% of blood supply should be provided. When the heart is in the state of rest, it is only 10% blood flow when lying, sitting or standing. When a person walks or climbs then the speed of the heart increases, then it requires a blood flow of 20%. This speed increases even when jogging or running and the need for blood flow increases up to 30%. Hence fitness is very important to stop heart diseases. You can find the list of all trending fitness products here that can provide you fit and toned body shape. click here <<Trending Fitness Products>>

It means that a person has no feeling of heart-related pain or restlessness up to 70% blockage because heart muscle receives 30% blood supply. The symptoms of Heart Disease are only visible when the blockage in these tubules exceeds 70%. This is called Angina.

Symptoms of heart diseases - Its common symptoms are pain on the left side of the chest, restlessness in that part, lack of breath, feelings of suffocation, abnormal motion of the heart, pain in the jaw and stress increases to the left hand. Occasionally there may be pain in the back and shoulders in some incidents. All these symptoms mean that the person's coronary tube has been blocked up to 70% -80%.

Another type of problem related to the heart is seen after the heart attack, this means that the blockage is 100% full. While resting in such a condition, there may also be pain in angina or chest. In such a situation the pain is very high and sweating can also occur. In a very dangerous or large heart attack, the patient loses consciousness and may even die. So let's now know what the causes of the heart attack are?

Causes of Heart Attack - We all know that heart attack is a complex process of heart which also generates blockage. It is also a dangerous disease. How can it be that for many years a person with heart disease suddenly suffered from the heart attack? What is the reason behind this sudden heart-attack? If you notice, these dangerous blockages in the tubes of the heart are surrounded by a membrane called endothelium.

As the blockage grows larger, the membrane also spreads, and when the stretch crosses its threshold, the membrane explodes. Countless chemicals begin to dissolve in the blood and blood starts to freeze. Due to this the remaining open part of the ducts is closed. That is, a 100% blockage and the terrible pain that arises. The part of the heart muscle that does not get enough blood, dies immediately. It is a state of unbearable pain. This is called heart attack.

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Depending on where the blockage is done, the heart attack can be divided into three parts. (1) Minor, (2) Major (3) Massive. If there is a blockage on the last end of the ducts, a small part of the heart will be damaged and it is called a minor blockage. But if the blockage goes up and reaches the starting end of the tube, it is a major heart attack, due to which a large part of the heart becomes lifeless. Such patients can be saved immediately from good medicine. 

The massive heart attack is in a situation where there is a blockage in the tube on the left in front of the separate part of the LAD and LCX. Because of this, approximately 70% of the heart's muscles die and can also be immediate death. Many such patients can reach the hospital alive. With the help of echocardiography, we can see how much of the heart's muscles have become lifeless after the attack. So let's know now what is the recipe for avoiding heart attack?

The recipe to avoid Heart Attack - The recipe I'm going to tell you to avoid heart attack is very easy and it does not have any side effect because this is a natural recipe.

The procedure for making the recipe - First, take one cup of onion juice. The second thing is lemon juice and the third honey. These three things can make you a natural medicine to avoid heart attack.

Method of making the recipe- Take an empty bowl and put a cup of onion juice in it, then add one teaspoon lemon juice in it and mix the normal quantity i.e. one teaspoon of honey. Then mix it well. These three are liquid due to which they are easily mixed. Now you can see that your recipe has been prepared.

The method to use - you can consume this recipe at any time during the day. You can take this recipe whenever you find the time. For a good result, take this recipe for one month. You will get a very good result of this.

As you know that lemon contains anti-oxidant ingredients. Due to the anti-oxidant element, our blood circulation works properly, which does not cause any blockage in the Heart. Similarly, onion juice also contains anti-oxidant elements which keep the cholesterol quantity constant. This is the reason that blood circulation works smoothly.

It helps in removing cholesterol cells that are frozen in blood vessels by drinking it, due to which there is no blockage in the arteries. This gives the benefit that blood does not get stuck in the heart, and the chance of getting heart-attack is greatly reduced.

This recipe can be used by all those people who have heart problems or those who fear that they may have heart-related diseases. Those who have high weight are more likely to have heart-attack problems. So try to be fit and slim and Follow all the above-mentioned methods correctly and always stay away from heart diseases.