5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat

Yoga is a medium that reduces obesity and keeps you away from all kinds of diseases. Nowadays, obesity is a problem that if not diagnosed at the right time, it can cause countless diseases in your body. That is why getting rid of obesity at the right time is very important so that you can always live a happy and healthier life.
In this post of today, I will tell you about 5 best yoga asana which will reduce your obesity in just 3 weeks. It will only take your 15-20 minutes every day.
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5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat
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(1) Setu Bandha Yoga - To do this Yoga, first lie on the back. After that bend or Fold your knees and keep your feet and hip distance apart on the floor. Now keep your both arms locked from the ground. Now, exhale, lift your waist up from the ground and keep palms and feet in the same state. Now stay in the condition for 30 seconds and then gradually come in the normal state.

Its advantages - This Asana is very effective in keeping the spinal cord straight so that the waist gets strength. By doing this posture every day, your stomach and waist fat completely disappears within a few days. It also removes neck tension. This strengthens the thighs and stomach muscles.

Important note - Do this asana by 30 seconds to 5 times. Those who have high blood pressure should not do this posture.
5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat
(2) Kapalbhati Yoga - First, sit on the Padmasana and close your eyes and keep the spine straight. Now take a deep breath through your both nostrils until your lungs are full of air. Now exhale through both nostrils forcefully so your stomach will go deep inside. As you exhale you feel some pressure in your stomach. While the process of exhaling there is a hissing sound. Repeat this process for 5 minutes. It helps in reducing obesity if you do it at early morning and evening.

Its advantages- It helps in reducing belly fat and reducing weight. It also removes constipation, acidity and gas problems. This increases the mind power and negative thoughts are far away. It lowers high cholesterol and throat cough. It ends the wrinkles of the face and brings back the lost glow of the face.

Important note- Do this asana in empty stomach. This should only be done in the morning or evening. Do not eat anything for half an hour after doing yoga. This yoga should not be done to pregnant women.

5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat
(3) Balasana YogaFirst kneel down on the floor and contact your enormous toes to one another as you sit on your foot sole areas. When you are comfortable, spread your knees hip-width separated. Inhale. Bend forward, and lay your middle between your thighs as you breathe out.
Presently, widen the sacrum all over the back of the pelvis, and thin the purposes of your hip with the end goal that they point towards the navel. Settle down on the inward thighs. Stretch the tailbone far from the back of the pelvis as you lift the base of your head marginally far from the back of the neck. Stretch your arms forward and put them before you, to such an extent that they are in accordance with your knees. Discharge the fronts of your shoulder to the floor. You should feel the heaviness of the front shoulders pulling the cutting edges generally over your back. Since this asana is a resting present, you can remain in the posture from anyplace between 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. To discharge the asana, first stretch the front middle. At that point, take in and lift from the tailbone while it pushes down into the pelvis.

Its advantages - if you have to put your mouth in it, then this posture will be in your mouth by doing it every day. It also strengthens stomach muscles.

5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat
(4) Anulom-vilom - First of all, close your eyes and sit in Padmasana and rest your hands on your knees. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril, inhale the oxygen as much as you can, this will fill your lungs with air. Remove your thumb from your right nostril, as you remove your thumb from right nostril just exhale. When you exhale use your middle finger to close your left nostril then inhale with your right nostril and remove thumb from the right nostril then exhale. Repeat this process for 5 minutes. You should be focused and concentrate on your breathing while doing this.

Its advantages - This posture is very beneficial in the measures to reduce the stomach. It also keeps blood flow in the body.

5 Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat
(5) Naukasana - First lie down on the back, with your feet together and your arms on the sides. Keep your arms straight and your fingers outstretched towards your toes. Start Inhaling and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet. Feel the tension in your stomach area as the abdominal muscles contract. Let the weight of your body rest entirely on the buttocks. Make sure your eyes, finger and toes are all in one line. Hold your breath and remain in this position for a few seconds. After 30 seconds stay in this position, come again in the earlier position and lie down. Make this posture 5 times.

Its advantages - This yoga is very beneficial to reduce the stomach fat. This posture is beneficial in the small intestine, large intestine and digestion.

Important Note- If there is a serious disease related to the stomach, then do not do this asana. Pregnant women should not do this posture. Those who have the problem of slip-disc should not even do this posture.

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